About Us

Bryant’s approach is founded on one simple philosophy:

We strive to exceed customer expectations.

For some this might mean we design sophisticated value engineering solutions to ensure their construction goals and budget align.

For others it’s the rare pleasure of finding a clean and safe worksite at the end of the day. Not once, but every day during the project.

As a construction company, our core business relies on delivering your project on brief, on time and on budget.

If we meet your expectations, we’ve done a pretty good job. But if we exceed them, you’re more likely to do business with us again. We find it’s a great approach to business.

And our clients seem to like it too.

Your Partner In Commercial Construction

We’re quality commercial builders, with particular experience in apartment developments and local, state and government facilities. We’ve built everything from offices to mining accommodation; child care centres and aged care facilities; to university buildings, sporting complexes and police stations. Bryant specialises in schools and education, as well as construction in remote and challenging locations.

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Our Values


We value relationships and treat people well – that means clients, employees, and subcontractors.


We deliver on our commitments – always.


We are professional in our conduct, performance, and all that we do.  We do not cut corners.

We are competent and skilled professionals.

Safety First

We never compromise on safety.

Our Vision

We are a growing construction company that continues to exceed its stakeholder expectations by delivering quality projects.

“We have found both Site Supervisors, Matthew Cooper and Cameron Jamesion to be co-operative, communicative and professional.”

Brett Burgess, Principal

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Design and construct
Construct only
Project and contract management
Procurement and logistics
Modular and prefab structures
Asbestos removal

Experience Makes Perfect

We have several highly experienced construction teams based in North and South East Queensland, made up of project managers, site supervisors and contract administrators.

Our construction staff are backed up by Bryant’s administration and management divisions, which include all corporate services, HSEC functions, and our Indigenous Partnerships Officer.

While we are able to draw on our extensive network of suppliers and sub-contractors across Queensland to enhance the services we offer, Bryant is committed to limiting the risk of modern slavery within its own business and any other business relationship. Read our policy here.